Meeting the Tandem’s shortlisted artists; getting to know the Catalonian artistic scene within the contemporary performing arts; networking among partners and artists; validating the selection of the artist that is to be co-produced.

Première of the final performance of the first Greek Tandem, “Bridging the Gap” (Eva Giannakopoulou).

Première of the final performance of the first French Tandem, “Having a Voice” (artist tbd).

Meeting the Tandem’s shortlisted artists; getting to know the Catalonian artistic scene within the contemporary performing arts; networking among partners and artists; validating the selection of the artist that is to be co-produced.

The conference “having a voice” brings together in Lisbon researchers from two different European projects – “Stronger Peripheries” and “BeSpectative” – with Lisbon’s artistic community, for a wide debate on the most relevant issues concerning participation in the cultural field, with particular focus in the context of the peripheries. Assuming the specificities of the peripheral condition, in geographic, social and cultural terms, this discussion aims to bring the awareness on cultural diversity and on effective participative mechanisms to the core of cultural policies. It gathers cultural managers, artists and researchers from the Southern and Eastern Europe, but also from the global south and global north, and from the multiple peripheries within each of those, disentangling the complexities of peripherality and discussing the mechanisms to empower and give a voice to the cultural diversity of these territories and the way it can be heard and considered within cultural policies.

Tandem Workshop: Meeting the Tandem’s shortlisted artists and the artist that is to be coproduced (selected in advance); getting to know the Romanian artistic scene within the contemporary performing arts; networking among partners and artists.

Première of the final performance of the first Portuguese Tandem, “Connecting Dots”, by Inês Jacques.

Designing new strategies for dealing with challenges in respect to audience concerns and the needs for reshaping the cultural sector in Europe.

Première of the final performance of the Slovenian Tandem, “Work and Happiness”, by Neja Tomšič / Nonument.

Meeting the Tandem’s shortlisted artists; getting to know the Italian artistic scene within the contemporary performing arts; networking among partners and artists; validating the selection of the artist that is to be co-produced.

Discussions on participatory artistic practices and quality frameworks for artistic residencies. Discover the full program at https://bit.ly/sp-limen !