Josipa Bubaš

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Artist statement

Josipa Bubaš graduated from the Art History and English Language and Literature Departments at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. She has defended her doctoral thesis Bodiness Performed and Performance Corporeality at the Department for Interdisciplinary Humanities of the University of Zadar.

In 2021 she has published a book on her research (Leykam). In the research, she connects theory and practice. She is a member of the International Association of Art Critics, the Croatian Association of Artists of the Applied Arts and the Croatian Dancers Association, and the Croatian Freelance Artists Association. She has participated in various projects as a performer and a co-author, and since 2012, she has created solo performances, and performed at festivals, museums, galleries, performing, and public spaces.

She designs and conducts performing and interdisciplinary workshops. She has published more than hundreds of texts on the national radio channel HR3 and in various professional magazines and on websites. She has also participated in conferences.

I am interested in the processual work, creative process lately combining different media. My work often deals with the relation of consciousness, imagination, and social conditions, bordering between inner and outer space, transformation, and communication.

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