Lívia Gaudêncio

Photo credits: Inês Galvão Teles




Artist statement

I was born in Brazil and now I live in Portugal, although I develop an international career.
I am a performer, director and playwright, who created shows for different themes and ages.

In Portugal, I’m one of the founders of Albarte – Luso-Brazilian Association to Support Arts. In Brazil, I am the artistic director of O Trem Companhia de Teatro and the creator of O Levante! International Festival of Women on Stage which is connected to The Magdalena Project, an international network of women in contemporary theatre.

I have a bachelor’s degree in Performing Arts from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and a post-graduate degree in Film, Video and TV from the Belas Artes University of São Paulo. Now, I´m taking a Master’s degree in Women’s Studies at the Nova University of Lisboa. Besides that, I had taken courses at New York University and Escuela Internacional de Cine y Television in Cuba. I also did an internship with East Coast Artists, a company founded by Richard Schechner in NYC. and I participated in “Secret Art of the Actor”, an immersive work where I was directed by Eugenio Barba, from Odin Teatret.

I received some awards in Brazil for my work’s recognition as actress, director and playwright, including the one as finalist selected of “Marielle Franco´s Award for Feminist Essays”.
My main motivation when creating is the collaborative work, which means to listen to the group´s longings and let them free to create what they feel is more meaningful to have in the scene. I feel more identification with themes related to women issues or some “speeches” that shines a light to minorities struggles or different kinds of injustices. I like to work with “artivism”, which means for me the art that aims be related to activist themes. I really believe that art can be transformative, even in a small scale.

Among my creative work, I would like to highlight the creation of my solo performance “Urucum” in collaboration of the Mexican performer Violeta Luna, which took place at Teatret Om, in Denmark (2019), the creation of the dramaturgy “Ninety Minutes” with Implosivo Escuela de Teatro, in Uruguay (2017) and the collaboration with East Coast Artists, in United States, to create the performance “Please Just Hug Me” (2005).

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