Rebel Theatre / Miran Kurspahić and Rona Žulj

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Artist statement

My name is Miran Kurspahić and together with Rona Žulj we form a dynamic duo or tandem known as REBEL Theatre.

We’ve worked together since 2006., and collaborated on more than 13 projects, and since 2019 we have our own small theater company with our own productions. Our goal is to produce best possible plays within our very limited financial frame, with focus on content of the material, less on form, but with themes, people and methods that we choose and like. Although we are a private theater group, we don’t believe that market profitability is a measure of the value of a work, therefore we don’t adapt to the audience, but sensitize the public to artistic work. We always try to detect hot social topics and search or feel the neuralgic points of our society and implement them in our plays, using innovative ideas and methods.

I presented myself on the European theater scene back in 2006 with Peter Handke’s “Outrage ou public” in Premieres festival in Strasbourg.

Together, Rona and I presented our work “Geography Victims” on the international scene in 2009. at Munich’s Spiel Art festival as part of Connections program, and later on toured with the play around Europe.

In 2020 we were a part of the international project ConnectUp – The Life of the Others, that was funded by the program Creative Europe, with our play – Normal Life.

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