Dance and performance
Eva Giannakopoulou [discover the artist]
2023 January 27 (Premiere)
2023 January 28
Venue: Plyfa Space (Athens, Greece)
The production
Ichthyolatry -the baby fish of this connection- is a hybrid confessional performance on the elderly, floods, fluids and menopause. Based on community research in rivers, lakes, phreatic zones and female groups, the performance delves into an immersive universe of affective underwater alliances. The eccentric creatures of Ichthyolatry -a warrior, a post-human creature, a female phenomenon and a fish- will inhabit the stage of the Plyfa Industrial Park and that of Teatro Cine for taking a dive in an oneiric ocean of fluid possibilities. Are you ready to swim?
The project was collectively created through an intensive process, including a series of research and creative residencies in Greece, Portugal and Italy, accompanied by local hosting communities. The director and the creative community jointly developed the dramaturgy and the texts, in such a way that their content is the intellectual co-creation of all participants. The texts are based on both the confessions of the creative team in Piraeus (GR) and the interviews with individuals of the local community of Torres Vedras (PT) and Mondaino (IT) during the creative residencies. The additional material of some costumes was produced throughout a creative workshop with the audience of the open rehearsal during the creative residency in Teatro Dimora L’ Arboreto (IT). In 2023, ICΗTHYOLATRY will be presented both in Greece and Portugal.
Direction and original concept: Eva Giannakopoulou
Creative team/Artistic community: Marianita Karakosta, Eva Koliopantou, Maroula Papanastasi and Evgenia Vacalopoulou
Texts: Eva Giannakopoulou, Marianita Karakosta, Eva Koliopantou, Maroula Papanastasi and Evgenia Vacalopoulou Lighting design: Nyssos Vasilopoulos
Sound design: Pedro Pascoal
Costumes Design: Eva Giannakopoulou
Costumes Construction: Eva Giannakopoulou, Marianita Karakosta, Eva Koliopantou, Maroula Papanastasi, Evgenia Vacalopoulou
Makeup: Eva Giannakopoulou, Marianita Karakosta, Eva Koliopantou, Maroula Papanastasi, Evgenia Vacalopoulou Performing on stage: Marianita Karakosta, Eva Koliopantou, Maroula Papanastasi, Evgenia Vacalopoulou
Production management: Delta Pi Supported by the Brotherhood of Cefalonians and Ithacians Living in Piraeus and ΤwixtLab.