Marina Miliou – Theocharaki

© Athanasios Gatos




Artist statement

Marina Miliou-Theocharaki is a performer and choreographer based in Αthens, Greece. Using her voice, sounds and movements, she creates events that question the politics of hosting and how these can be challenged, crafted and shared with a public. She challenges exposure, notions of distance and closeness and how these can be performed in response to presupposed desires. While playing with the receiver’s expectations she challenges her limits in a process of personal exposure. She writes, choreographs and plays with the limits of voice while crafting sensory choreographic tools.

Miliou-Theocharaki was a 2016 Hatch Resident at Chicago Artists Coalition, Chicago. From 2016-17 she was ASFA Liaison and Curatorial Assistant for documenta14, in Αthens, Greece, and Kassel, Germany. In 2018, she participated in the Breaking Art workshop at Megaron – The Athens Concert Hall.
In 2019 she was an Onassis Air Resident and a danceWEB Scholar for ImPulsTanz – Vienna international Dance Festival.

Solo works include: Throat lap Dance, at Haus n Athen, Greece 2019, and Whatever is at stake I take, at Oneminute space, Athens, Greece in 2021. Whatever is at Stake I take, is a collaborative piece in progress with choreographer Marianne Tuckman. As a duo of performers they developed this piece that questions the quarantined body, the manifestations of physical and mental isolation, the longing and yearning of exchange between two bodies and their relationships to an environment undergoing the sensation of thirst.

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